Every year brings new challenges, and keeping gratitude at the forefront isn’t always easy. But with Thanksgiving around the corner, I think it’s a good time to talk about it.
This past year, my family and I have had our share of obstacles—a somewhat unexpected move to a new school district, juggling the day-to-day of running a business and a nonprofit and the impact of two hurricanes.
Some days, it’s hard to find the silver lining. But my time in the NFL taught me a lot about getting through the tough stuff, and I still lean on those lessons today. Here’s what’s helped me keep perspective when the challenges show up.
Surround Yourself with Good People
Back in my playing days, we’d get thrown together with all kinds of personalities, and learning to gel was just part of it. I made some of my best friends that way and learned to find common ground with all my teammates.
Now, I’ve got the privilege to choose who I keep close, and it’s taught me that surrounding yourself with supportive, fun people makes the tough times easier and the good times even better.
Appreciate the Small Stuff
When you forget to appreciate the little things, it’s easy to see challenges as setbacks. My morning workout or a good playlist on my commute are simple things that make a difference - the key is remembering to appreciate them vs. taking the routine for granted.
Embrace the Hard Stuff
Football taught me a lot about growth through struggle. Each tough practice or challenging game was a chance to get better. It’s the same now—challenges in life inevitably make us stronger.
Pushing through discomfort becomes easier when you remember that the best results often come from tackling the tough stuff head-on.
Give Back
Helping others is one of the best ways to keep gratitude alive. The residents we serve at the Faine House never cease to amaze me with their resilience and ability to smile in the face of adversity.
Between my wife, kids and Faine House family, I’m blessed with daily reminders of all there is to be thankful for.
This Thanksgiving, I wish you a peaceful season with gratitude. Reach out any time: jeff@enhancedfunding.com
Jeff Faine is the Founder of EFS Life, a firm dedicated to enhancing lives through tax savings and efficient distribution vehicles. He is a husband, father of two, former NFL Offensive Lineman and Notre Dame Alumnus. He is also the Co-Founder of The Faine House, an organization providing safe housing, mental health support and life skills programming for teens aging out of foster care.